The 10 biggest fears holding you back from success


The 10 biggest fears holding you back from success

If you know your fear then there is more possibility that you will conquer fear.

In this section I am going to share the solution to overcome fear.

Check what you are fearing of. Use affirmations everyday whenever you think of that type of fear to overcome fear.

  1. FOS: The fear of Scarcity

The Difference Between Scarcity and Abundance | The Masters Lawn Care

Scarcity or deficiency or Inadequacy is the feeling of lack of quantity or quality.


Understand what your important role is in carrying out your pursuits. You will begin to see what you need to do when first stepping out to tackle your fear of scarcity.


  • I am more than enough.

  • There is enough.

  • I am stable.

  • I radiate achievement.

  1. FOU: The fear of Uncertainty

Information & Advice — LASS

What will happen in future?

Uncertainty is the state of being uncertain of the future.


Anticipating what will happen in the future is a strength that can be developed. It will help you take the first step when you experience the fear of uncertainty.

Vision is what will keep you moving forward regardless of your fears.

In whatever you do, anticipation and vision are both necessary ingredients to fight the fear of uncertainty.

So what is your vision?

My vision is ________

If not yet decided then think and act now!

I will be sharing action to Discover your Vision in detail in the next topics.


  • I give up freely what is no longer serving me. I release it to create space for what inspires me.

  • I believe in my ability to figure things out.

  • I have the freedom and power to create the life I desire.

  • I am ready to encounter opportunities I never thought were possible.

  1. FOF: The Fear of Failure

5 Best Tips To Overcome Fear Of Failure In Business - Vancruzer

My life didn’t go exactly as planned and I’m sure yours hasn’t either.

Even if you have already built a plan for your life, you can’t see the future. You can try to predict it all you want, but there are just some things outside of your control.

It's a great practice to identify the things you can control in your bravery journey and to focus on them. 

Nobody’s life is working as per the plan! Ask and confirm with your parents, best friends, richest person you know or anybody.


  • I am strong, independent, and courageous.

  • I am fearless, confident and determined.

  • I take action now!

  • I keep pushing until I succeed.


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