First step to succeed - Speed of Dear & Tiger?


First step to succeed

Deer have 90 km/hour of running speed, against Tiger’s speed of 50 km/hour. But still Deer becomes a victim of Tiger always. Why?

Because Deer believes that he is weaker than the Tiger. This fear makes the deer look back again and again.

This looking back makes the Deer lose his speed as well as courage and thus becomes the victim of that Tiger.

So, never underestimate your potential. This is what is happening with Covid19 Pandemic.

Corona’s attacking power is much less than human immunity power. But this Weak Human Mind is afraid of Weak Coronavirus, making him / her lose the battle. So do not lose courage & hope.

Many people give up with the same thought pattern. 

These thoughts kill them or their confidence.

What people say or think?

Others are more powerful than me.

They have more resources than me.

I think, I am not good in ****.

Hey friend, always remember, you are more powerful than you think. Understand and explore your possibilities and skills and encash them now.

Please comment as "I will be Tiger".


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